© Casa Wallace

Biodynamic Agriculture

Do you prefer drinking wine made by nature and passion, or wine manufactured with grapes exposed to fertilizers and pesticides then altered in the wine cellar to make it taste good? We follow the natural process, and it makes a lot of sense to us.   In a nutshell, we think biodynamic agriculture should be considered super-charged organic, but it’s much more. In 1924, Rudolf Steiner addressed a group of concerned farmers, and those teachings are the basis of this agricultural method. Biodynamic farming is a holistic way of looking at the farm and creating a balance that happens only when there is harmony between plants, animals, climate and seasons, and when people respect that balance. The technical aspects of biodynamic agriculture are similar to homeopathic medicine; diluted extracts from different plants and minerals are either put into compost to begin fermentation or applied directly to the leaves, grapes, and soil of the vines. Problems with weeds or disease represent imbalances analogous to illness in people. Our goal in the vineyard is to help our soil maintain its natural richness. In all we do, we respect the environment and learn to consider the surrounding atmosphere; every day we grasp what it means to work with what nature gives us. This understanding enables us to maintain our natural habitat at Casa Wallace, and all vital elements that exist define our unique “terroir.”

Dynamization is an integral process of biodynamic agriculture.

The objective is to stir and dissolve a small amount of biodynamic preparation in tepid water to create a vortex. When a deep vortex appears, we break it, create chaos then change the stirring direction and stir until another deep vortex appears. This process continues for one hour. Each vortex allows the maximum amount of air to reach the water and expose it to the energy of the cosmic forces.   When the hour is up, we spray the solution either on the soil or the plants.